Humboldt Bay Regional Invasive Spartina Eradication Project

Status In-progress County Humboldt
Project Type Non-mitigation Location 40.80836° N, -124.16643° W Map
Project Area (Acres) 80.00 Last Updated 20 May 2021
Project Abstract The overarching goals of the Project are to coordinate and implement the treatment of invasive Spartina on 80 acres in Humboldt Bay under the Regional Spartina Eradication Plan and Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR).
Project Groups CDFW Prop 1
Administrative Region California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Hildie Spautz, CDFW

Project Identification

P1796016 CDFW - Prop 1 Grant ID

Habitat Plan

Site NamePhaseActivitySubActivitiesHabitatSubHabitatAcresActivity StatusWater Regime
Humboldt Bay, Ca None Restoration (unspecified) Vegetation Management Estuarine Wetland Marsh 80.00 Implementation in-progress Fully tidal

Related Habitat Impacts

Impact Project NameHabitatAcres LostType of Loss
No Data


Butcher Slough In-progress/Implementation No Data
Dead Mouse Marsh In-progress/Implementation No Data
Gannon Slough In-progress/Implementation No Data
G Street Marsh In-progress/Implementation No Data
Humboldt Bay, Ca In-progress/Implementation 80.00
McDaniel Slough In-progress/Implementation No Data
Samoa Spit In-progress/Implementation No Data
Woodley Island In-progress/Implementation No Data


DateTypeDescriptionSite Name
2020-05-31 Project end date Expected project end date
2019-09-21 Other Volunteer work day
2019-07-01 Other Contract with the CCC completed and CCC began work on City of Arcata sites
2019-04-01 Other Presentation at the Humboldt Bay Symposium
2018-10-01 Groundwork start Dead Mouse Marsh
2018-09-21 Other Volunteer work day
2018-08-01 Other Radio interview with EcoNews as part of public outreach
2018-07-06 Other MOU signed with Humboldt Bay Harbor District
2018-07-01 Groundwork start G Street Marsh
2018-06-01 Groundwork start Samoa Spit
2018-06-01 Groundwork start Gannon Slough
2018-06-01 Groundwork start Woodley Island
2018-05-01 Permit Northcoast Regional Water Quality Control Board send Notice of Applicability for Coverage under the Policy for Waiving Waste Discharge Requirements R1-2017-0039. Was determined the Project is exempt from CEQA review.
2018-05-01 Groundwork start Treatment activities began at Harbor District and City of Arcata sites
2018-05-01 Groundwork start Treatment of invasive Spartina began at Harbor District and City of Arcata sites Humboldt Bay, Ca
2018-04-01 Other Landowner access agreement signed with the City of Arcata
2018-04-01 Other Provisional landowner access agreement signed with the City of Arcata - allows treatment of invasive Spartina on the sites owned by the City of Arcata Humboldt Bay, Ca
2018-03-01 Groundwork start McDaniel Slough
2018-03-01 Monitoring start Pre-treatment monitoring, including rare plant and nesting bird surveys and Spartina characterization (density, percent cover, etc.), at each site Humboldt Bay, Ca
2018-03-01 Monitoring start Pre-treatment monitoring, including rare plant and nesting bird surveys and Spartina characterization (density, percent cover, etc.) began at each treatment site
2018-03-01 Groundwork start Butcher Slough
2018-02-01 Other Purchased Marsh Master (amphibious tractor mower/tiller)
2018-02-01 Other Purchase of Marsh Master (amphibious tractor mower/tiller) Humboldt Bay, Ca
2017-10-01 Project start date
2017-10-01 Other Beginning in 2017 and running the course of the project, quarterly Humboldt Bay Spartina Working Group meetings, hosted by RCAA
2017-07-01 Other Provisional landowner access agreement signed with the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District - allows treatment of invasive Spartina on the sites owned by the Harbor District Humboldt Bay, Ca
2017-07-01 Other Provisional landowner access agreement signed with the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District


Agency Staff Gena Lasko California Department of Fish and Wildlife WRGB
Agency Staff Susannah Manning Natural Resources Services - Redwood Community Action Agency Natural Resources Services


None Restoration (unspecified) CDFW Prop 1 - Watershed Restoration Grant Program $450,000

Related CRAM Assessments

Visit DateVersionSite NameWetland TypeIndex Score
2015-03-31 6.1 South G St. Log Pond perennial/seasonal depressional 71
2012-09-07 6.1 Butcher Slough Log Pond perennial/seasonal depressional 90

Performance Criteria

StatusDetailsEvaluation Date
Criteria not evaluated yet Success Criteria and adaptive management: 1. Spartina cover (live plants) diminishes by at least 50% each year until cover <5%.If criterion is not met, follow up treatments may be conducted more frequently, or different methods (chemical or mechanical) may be employed. 2. Spartina cover is maintained at a level <5% until regional eradication is achieved.If criterion is not met, more frequent or intensive maintenance treatments will be applied.3. Cover by non-Spartina emergent vegetation ≥50% by the end of the third year.If criterion is not met and site appears to have limited influx of native marsh species propagules, planting of natives will be undertaken. If site appears to be a localized depression with anoxic conditions, revegetation is expected to take longer. 4. Vegetation is dominated by native marsh plant species by the end of the fifth year.If criterion is not met, planting of natives will be undertaken. 2018-10-01

Performance Measures

Plan NamePlan GoalPerformance MeasureMeasure ValueStatusEvaluation Date
Delta Conservancy Proposition 1 Grant Program Ecosystem Protection, Restoration, and Enhancement Increased acres or linear feet of invasive species treated 80 acres

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How to Use the Habitat Development Curve

Habitat Development Curves (HDCs) are used to determine the developmental status and trajectory of on-the-ground projects to create, restore, or enhance California wetland and stream habitats. Each HDC is based on assessments of habitat condition for different age areas of one habitat type that in aggregate represent the full spectrum of habitat development. The assessments of condition are provided by expert applications of the California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM). Visit the CRAM website for more information about CRAM.

For each HDC, reference condition is represented by areas of a habitat that consistently get very high CRAM scores, have not been subject to disruptive management practices, and exist within landscapes that are protected and managed for their natural conditions. The horizontal lines intersecting the top of an HDC represent the mean CRAM score and standard deviation of scores for 25 qualifying reference areas.

The age of a project is estimated as the elapsed time in years between the groundwork end date for the project and the date of the CRAM assessment. To add or update a groundwork end date, use the Project Events form in Project Tracker ( The minimum age in years of a non-project area, including any natural reference area, is estimated from all available local information, including historical maps and imagery, historical written accounts, and place-specific scientific studies of habitat development.

An HDC can be used to address the following questions:

  1. At what time in the future will the area of assessed habitat achieve the reference condition or other milestones in habitat development? The HDC can answer this question if the CRAM score for the assessed area is within the confidence interval of the HDC. The answer is the time in years along the HDC between the current age of the assessed area and the future date corresponding to the intersection of the HDC and the reference condition or other milestone.
  2. Is the area of assessed habitat likely to develop faster, slower, or at the same pace as most other areas of the same habitat type? The habitat area is likely to develop faster, slower, or at the same pace if the CRAM score for the area is above, below, or within the confidence interval of the HDC, respectively.
  3. What can be done to improve the condition of the habitat area or to increase its rate of development? HDCs by themselves cannot answer this question. Possible answers can be inferred by the following analysis that involves HDCs:
    1. Examine the HDC for each of the four CRAM Attributes;
    2. Identify the Attribute(s) scoring below the HDC;
    3. For any low-scoring Attribute, examine the component Metric Scores (note: the Metric Scores for any public CRAM assessment in the CRAM database can be obtained through EcoAtlas);
    4. Assume the low score of an Attribute is due to its low-scoring Metric(s);
    5. Consider modifying the design or management of the habitat area in ways that will sustainably increase its score(s) for the low-scoring Metric(s).

For more information about CRAM Attributes and Metrics, including their scientific rationale, see the CRAM Manual.

Display Habitat Development Curves For Wetland Type:

CRAM Site Scores