Criteria not evaluated yet |
Group 1 (Wetland establishment) -Absolute cover by invasive species will be less than or equal to 10% absolute cover in the established wetlands, for monitoring years 1-5. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Group 1 (Wetland establishment) -The hydroperiod for established wetland habitats will be within ± 10% of the hydroperiod for monitoring reference sites, for monitoring years 1-5. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Group 1 (Wetland establishment) -Species richness- In monitoring years 1-5 a minimum of 15 species from the list of target species will be seeded or planted. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Group 1 (Wetland establishment) -Relative cover by native wetland plant species in monitoring year 1 is 50%, year 2: 55%, year 3: 60%, year 4: 65%, and year 5: 70%. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Group 1 (Wetland establishment) -To demonstrate a predominance of hydrophytic vegetation (as per USACE Arid West supplement) in monitoring years 1-5. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Riparian establishment: - CRAM physical attribute values for assessment areas with the scores 3 or 6 need to improve to a score of at least 6 or 9 for each CRAM attribute. At year three 10% of AAs need to have a score of at least 6 or 9, year five: 25%, year seven: 50%, and year ten: 75%. At each monitoring year 3, 5, 7, and 10, there is no degradation below baseline CRAM attribute scores. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Riparian establishment: - CRAM biotic attribute values for assessment areas with the scores 3 or 6 need to improve to a score of 9 or better for each CRAM attribute. At year three 10% of AAs need to have a score of at least of 9 or better, year five: 25%, year seven: 50%, and year ten: 75%. At each monitoring year 3, 5, 7, and 10, there is no degradation below baseline CRAM attribute scores. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Riparian establishment: - Percent vegetation cover (i.e., absolute canopy cover) by native shrub species for monitoring year 5 has a standard of 10% cover, year 6: 20%, year 8: 30%, and year 10: 40%. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Riparian establishment: - Percent vegetation cover (i.e., absolute canopy cover) by native tree species for monitoring year 5 has a standard of 10% cover, year 6: 20%, year 8: 30%, and year 10: 40%. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Riparian establishment: - Plant vigor for monitoring years 1-4 has a performance standard average vigor score, by species, greater than 1.0. At monitoring year 5 the average vigor score, by species, is equal to or greater 2.0. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Riparian establishment: - Plant survival for monitoring year 1 has a standard of 70% survival, year 2: 70%, year 3: 70%, year 4: 60%, and year 5: 60%. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Type 5 Wetland Rehabilitation -Tree plant density per acre (both planted and volunteer plants) for monitoring year 5 is 120, year 6: 100, year 7: 80, year 8: 60, year 9: 50, and year 10 needs a minimum of 50 live woody plants per acre. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Type 5 Wetland Rehabilitation –Plant survival by percentage survival of original number planted (includes replacement plants), of woody species criteria at monitoring year 3 is 70%, year 4: 60%, year 5: 60%. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Type 5 Wetland Rehabilitation -Monitoring years 1-10 the absolute percent cover by invasive species must be less than 2%. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Type 5 Wetland Rehabilitation -Species richness of native species from list of target species for monitoring year 10 is 8. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Type 5 Wetland Rehabilitation -Relative cover increase in native wetland plant species from list of target species over baseline surveys: monitoring year 2 relative cover increase of 14%, year 4: 28%, year 5: 35%, year 7: 49%, year 9: 63%, and year 10: 70%. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Type 5 Wetland Rehabilitation -Relative cover by wetland plant species over baseline surveys: monitoring year 1 relative cover at 10%, year 2:15%, year 3: 25%, year 4: 40%, year 5: 50%, year 6:60%, year 7: 70%, year 8: 75%, year 9: 80%, and year 10:90%. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Targeted Grazing – The performance standard for cover by invasive plants will be that the absolute cover will not increase over baseline for the monitoring years 0-10. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Targeted Grazing– The performance standard for absolute cover by other native plant species is demonstration of a stable or increasing trend in absolute cover by other native plant species, for monitoring year 0 - 10. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Targeted Grazing - The performance standard for population distribution and abundance is demonstration of a stable or increasing trend in population distribution (area occupied) and abundance (absolute cover) after controlling for climatic variability. Climatic variability (precipitation, temperature) from the previous rain season will be used to identify trends in BM populations from year to year, for monitoring years 0-10. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Other Waters Rehabilitation - Woody plant density (number of live woody plants [both planted and volunteer plants]) at monitoring year 5 has a standard of 260, year 6: 218, year 7: 174, year 8: 130, year 9: 130, and at year 10 there is a standard minimum of 109 live woody plants per acre. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Other Waters Rehabilitation - Absolute cover (i.e., absolute canopy cover) by native shrub species for monitoring year 5 is 10% cover, year 6: 20%, year 8: 40%, and year 10: 50%. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Other Waters Rehabilitation - Plant vigor, average vigor by species (both planted and replacement plants) at monitoring years 1-4 have a standard of greater than 1.0 and at monitoring year 5 has a standard of greater than or equal to 2.0. |
2017-04-15 |
Criteria not evaluated yet |
Other Waters Rehabilitation - Plant survival by percentage survival of original number planted (includes replacement plants), by species at monitoring year 1 is 90% survival, year 2: 80%, year 3: 70%, year 4: 60%, and year 5:60%. |
2017-04-15 |